2021第十三屆全球冷鏈峰會(huì) 2021 13th gLOBAL COLD CHAIN SUMMIT 議程安排 Agenda 峰會(huì)地點(diǎn):蘇州 Venue: Kempinski Hotel Suzhou | ||
2021年9月16日,星期四 September 16,Thursday | ||
10:00 -20:00 | 【全天報(bào)到】 Registration | |
13:30-17:30 | 【同期活動(dòng)】2021冷鏈行業(yè)數(shù)字化趨勢及應(yīng)用論壇暨霍尼韋爾冷鏈專家委員會(huì)小組成立 Concurrent Event: 2021 Seminar on Cold Chain Industry Digitalization Trends and Applications & Launching Ceremony of Honeywell Cold Chain Expert Committee 會(huì)議地點(diǎn):1F多功能廳K4+K5 Venue: 1F K4+K5 | |
15:00-17:00 | 【同期活動(dòng)】中物聯(lián)冷鏈委肉類工作組工作會(huì)議暨肉類冷鏈趨勢研討會(huì) Concurrent Event: CCLC Meat Working Group Meeting and Seminar on Meat Cold Chain Trends 會(huì)議地點(diǎn):1F多功能廳K2 Venue: 1F K2 | |
18:30-21:00 | 【歡迎晚宴】新飛·蘭博之夜 Banquet:Xinfei · Night of Lamberet | |
2021年9月17日,星期五 September 17,Friday | ||
【開幕式】 2F大宴會(huì)廳 Opening Ceremony,2F Grand Ballroom 主持嘉賓:秦玉鳴 中物聯(lián)冷鏈委秘書長 Moderator: Yuming Qin, Secretary-General, Cold Chain Logistics Committee of China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing | ||
08:30-09:00 | 【開幕式致辭】 Opening Remarks 崔忠付 中國物流與采購聯(lián)合會(huì)副會(huì)長兼秘書長 Zhongfu Cui, Vice President & Secretary-General, China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing 國家部委領(lǐng)導(dǎo) Officials from National Ministries 金勝鎬 大韓民國駐上海總領(lǐng)事館總領(lǐng)事 Kim Seung Ho, Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai 省市政府領(lǐng)導(dǎo) Officials from Provincial and Municipal Authorities 焦守臣 航空工業(yè)河南新飛電器集團(tuán)有限公司黨委書記、總經(jīng)理 Shouchen Jiao, Party Secretary and General Manager, Avic Henan Xinfei Electric Group Co., Ltd | |
09:00-12:00 | 【主論壇】雙循環(huán)格局·重塑新秩序 [Plenary Session] Dual Circulation Pattern · Reshape New Order 論壇地點(diǎn):2F大宴會(huì)廳 Venue: 2F Grand Ballroom 主持嘉賓:劉飛 中物聯(lián)冷鏈委常務(wù)副秘書長 Moderator: Fei Liu, Executive Deputy Secretary-General, Cold Chain Logistics Committee of China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing | |
09:00-09:25 | 主題演講:美國 40 年餐飲生鮮供應(yīng)鏈的演變及啟示 Keynote Speech: The evolution and takeaways from the U.S. produce supply chain in foodservice 演講嘉賓:Rich Dachman 前Sysco生鮮副總裁、Brighter Bites CEO Speaker: Rich Dachman,CEO of Brighter Bites,F(xiàn)ormer vice president of produce for Sysco Corp | |
09:25-09:50 | 主題演講:冷鏈行業(yè)新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)下運(yùn)輸制冷技術(shù)的升級與思考(擬) Keynote Speech: Upgrading transport refrigeration technology under new standards in the cold chain industry (TBC) 演講嘉賓:陸景璟,開利運(yùn)輸冷凍亞太區(qū)董事總經(jīng)理 Speaker: Jingjing Lu, Managing Director of Carrier Transicold Asia | |
09:50-10:15 | 主題演講:數(shù)字化重塑冷鏈流通安全秩序 Keynote Speech: Digitalization Reshaping Cold Chain Logistics Security 演講嘉賓:張景濤,易流科技董事長兼CEO Speaker: Jingtao Zhang, Chairman & CEO, Shenzhen E6 Technology Co., Ltd | |
10:15-10:25 | 中國冷鏈運(yùn)輸景氣報(bào)告聯(lián)合發(fā)布&分析 Joint release & analysis: China Cold Chain Transportatio Prosperity Reportn | |
10:25-10:35 | 茶歇,展位展車參觀,商務(wù)洽談 Coffee break, booth visit, and networking | |
10:35-12:00 | 【對話全球:雙循環(huán)格局下的冷鏈新洞察】 Global Dialogue: New Cold Chain Insights in the Dual Circulation Scheme
In the post-epidemic era, the global food trade and cold chain-related enterprises are facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges in a century. What are the new models and market growth spaces for the food cold chain in the future? What new ecology will emerge in the cold chain industry? And how will companies based in China break through and seek change in the face of internal and external factors?
主持嘉賓:秦玉鳴,中物聯(lián)冷鏈委秘書長 Moderator: Yuming Qin, Secretary-General of Cold Chain Logistics Committee of CFLP 對話嘉賓: Panelists: 黃 弘 恒天然集團(tuán)大中華區(qū)首席運(yùn)營官 Susan Huang, Chief Operating Officer, Greater China, Fonterra Rahul Badge 佳沛大中華區(qū)供應(yīng)鏈資深總監(jiān) Rahul Badge,Senior Director of Supply Chain, Greater China, Zespri 楊旭升 馬士基大中華區(qū)冷箱及冷鏈部總經(jīng)理 Jason Yang, General Manager of Maersk Reefer & Cold Chain Sales, Great China Area 李相喆 韓國清凈園總經(jīng)理 Lee Sang Cheol,General Manager of DAESANG (Beijing) Food Co., Ltd 董國銀 上海光明領(lǐng)鮮總經(jīng)理 GuoYin Dong,General Manager of Shanghai Guangming Lingxian Logistics Co., Ltd 熊星明 榮慶物流董事CEO XingMing Xiong, CEO of Rokin Logistics 何 斌 順豐冷運(yùn)副總裁 Moderator: Bin He,Vice-President of SF Cold Chain | |
12:30-14:00 | 自助午餐|開利運(yùn)輸冷凍商務(wù)宴請、韓國冷鏈商務(wù)宴請(均限受邀) Buffet Lunch|Carrier Transicold Asia Business Luncheon,Sino Korea Cold Chain Industry Business Luncheon | |
14:00-17:00 | 【平行論壇一】新科技 新食代 新冷鏈 [Track 1] New Era, New Consumption, New Cold Chain 論壇地點(diǎn):2F大宴會(huì)廳 C+D廳 Venue: 2F Grand Ballroom C+D 主持嘉賓:劉飛 中物聯(lián)冷鏈委常務(wù)副秘書長 Moderator: Fei Liu, Executive Deputy Secretary-General, Cold Chain Logistics Committee of China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing |